【A股收评:创业板指跌1.37% NMN概念、ST板块逆市大涨】 金十数据10月24日讯,今日三大指数震荡调整,截至收盘,沪指跌0.68%,深证成指跌1.27%,创业板指跌1.37%。盘面上,ST板块逆市大涨,*ST开元、ST摩登等30多只个股涨停。NMN概念逆市走强,雅本化学、金达威、兄弟科技、特一药业涨停。光通信概念震荡反弹,永鼎股份、跃岭股份、大唐电信、法尔胜涨停。存储芯片概念异动,万润科技、上海贝岭等涨停。房地产板块局部活跃,深振业、电子城、天地源等涨停。证券板块尾盘异动,国海证券涨停。多元金融、半导体、通信设备等板块涨幅居前;航空、船舶、电气设备、互联网等板块跌幅居前。
时间:2024-10-24 15:03:16 市场: 综合 港股
时间:2024-10-24 09:33:50 市场: 综合
Kaiyuan Education Faces Potential Delisting as Court Appoints Administrator Kaiyuan Education Technology Group (SHE:300338) is facing a potential delisting from the Shenzhen Stock Exchange after the Changsha Intermediate People's Court appointed a temporary administrator for the company, a Wednesday filing on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange said.The Chinese education management and consulting company will undergo a debt reorganization after reporting negative net profits for the past three years, the filing said.Shares of the company dropped more than 5% at the close of trading on Wednesday.Price (RMB): ¥2.41, Change: ¥-0.13, Percent Change: -5.12%
时间:2024-09-11 16:53:01 市场: 综合